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Truffle, black, Montcuq, Melanosporum, 500 g, gift box
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Black Truffles from Montcuq - Tuber Melanosporum - 500g

Reference -TNM500

500 grammes de truffes noires de Montcuq

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Recommended retail price 445.00€
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Black melanosporum truffle

Black Perigord truffle, its botanical name: Tuber melanosporum.


It is a hypogeous (underground) fungus of the ascomycete and ectomycorrhizal family which is more or less round, globular, with diamond-shaped facets on its peridium (outer, granular envelope), hence its name, commonly called the black diamond.


The Périgord black truffle is found in the wild and in cultivated areas, only on limestone soils. It is generally cellared (a hole is made at a depth of approximately 1 to 20 cm in the burnt area and generally near the foot of the truffle tree). The birth of truffles is closely linked to climatic conditions. Throughout their development, hydric conditions and mild temperatures are necessary to bring the carpophore (truffle) to maturity.


The truffle likes humidity, calcium-rich soil and, above all, very good ventilation. The truffle is born in the spring from May-June, develops and grows from July to reach maturity several months later: at the beginning of December. It is then caved with the help of a truffle dog but some still do it with a pig, or even with a fly!


Preparation of the product : All truffles are controlled and meet the following basic criteria:


- General appearance: Irregularly shaped, globular tuber with a black peridium and a black gleba (flesh) veined with white and firm under finger pressure. Dry brushed or washed without any trace of soil. Pleasant fragrance and sufficient ripeness.
- Individual caning to check the internal quality of the tuber melanosporum. (Canifage: cutting a small piece of truffle with a knife to inspect the quality of the product)
- Origin of the product : The truffles come from the farm and/or from producers in our region, Quercy Blanc, Lot and surrounding areas.








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Black melanosporum truffle

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